Thursday, 27 October 2011

Ummmmm... outfit post?? was supposed to be an outfit post day as I had popped on a new dress, some fab wee accessories and had added some of my favourite shoesies. Unfortunately, I didn't like any of the photos I managed to take so instead all I have for you to feast your eyes on are my shoes! They are lovely shoes tho!

Leather, heeled brogues in tan with patent chocolate detailing. Yummmmmm! I also have these exact shoes in black and white and they are just as scrumptious.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Looking forward to winter...

I know most people hold onto every last glimmer of summer possible and dread the nights coming in and the temperatures dropping, but I have to say I do look forward to winter.

I do agree that there is something quite morose about waking up to darkness and having but a few hours of light each day. That being said, what about all the good things about winter...?

I love cold, crisp days where your nose feels like it might just drop off any second. I love being outside in the fresh air to come home to a roaring fire, peeling off layer after layer of winter woolies and curling up in a blanket with a good book and a cup of tea. Company is always desirable, but for me it is currently only available in canine form - with our little dog Tiffany being more than happy to waste away hours snoozing while I read!

Fashion can take on a whole new level in winter with many more layers and lots of winter specific accessories to add to your wardrobe staples. Pattern and texture come into their own and I have to admit that I have a slight obsession with anythig fair isle each and every winter!

We also have all the good holidays just around the corner. Halloween, Bonfire night (my personal favourite) and the event that puts panic on the faces of mums all over the country... Christmas! I like to think of winter as a time for gatherings, good humour and when we all put our friends and family before our own wants and needs.

I have included some photos from the area where I live from a few winters ago, because doesn't everything look more beautiful when blanketed in snow? I do actually live in quite a picturesque little nook of our Bonnie Scotland (not that I like to admit it very often!) and in winter it truely is breathtaking.

Hope it inspires you all to look forward to (instead of dread) the coming months!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Outfit Post - warm and comfy for shopping

I'm off round the shops to see if two dresses I noticed yesterday in the sale are still there in my size and to have a browse for Xmas inspiration! Not a very thought out outfit today, just old reliable pieces that I wear again and again. Shall be topped off with my Joules quilted brown jacket and my everlsting Miu Miu Coffer bag. Hoorah!

Grey top - Zara

Dress - Primark, past season & bought in sale (absolute bargain!)

Scarf - H&M, past season

Boots - Dubarry

Sunday, 16 October 2011

A wee craft project

As promised, here is a little photo story of my attempt at a project from HOMEMADE GIFTS VINTAGE STYLE. I supposed I took the easy way out, because it was probably the simplest project in the book. Having said that, there isn't any of the projects that look intimidating or complicated.

The project was for a layered corsage which you could then use in a variety of ways. Basically, layer up some fabric shapes of your choice, add some decorative bits and bobs and either attach a brooch pin, hair clip or anything else you fancy. I kinda deviated from the guidelines in that I used a different shape, added on a wee bow and used a proper brooch pin instead of a safety pin like they used.

I think one thing you have to remember about this book is that the photography and the materials they have used are beautiful and have been carefully selected for that purpose. I have a huge stash of vintage materials, homewares and other bits and bobs and even I would struggle to recreate the aesthetic they have created. I think this book is perfect for people looking for inspiration who can adapt and change the ideas to suit what they have available. It certainly would not be a good present idea for anyone who likes to follow instrustions to the letter and end up with item after item that is exactly the same. There is a great wee introduction at the start of the book which basically explains this.

Bottom line is that this is a great coffee table book to flick through and look at the pretty photos and take inspiration from, but it does not have great substance when it comes to craft techniques. I am glad it is part of my ever growing library, but I don't think I will be referencing it very often other than to ooohh and aaahhhh at the photography.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

New book crush...

I bought this book today and I have to say it was love at first sight. I am a sucker for any craft book, but add a vintage twist and some beautiful photography and I'm sold! I haven't had time to really dig into it yet, but I have a quick peek at Amazon and it has seven, glowing 5* reviews.

I think I will save a proper review until I have been through the book and perhaps even tried one of the projects. They don't look overly complicated or difficult, but I like that in a craft book as I usually use them as inspiration and take ideas off on a completely different tangent myself.

Perhaps a good idea would be a book review, with some step-by-step photos of my attempt at one of the projects included???? Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?!

Saturday, 1 October 2011

One Day

My sister and I have been trying to get to the cinema as much as possible recently and this week we went to see One Day. I have been vowing to read the book for ages, but I gave in and jumped straight to the film adaptation. I hate doing this because I have yet to find a film I liked better than the original novel... The Da Vinci Code - need I say more?! Anyway, we went.

I knew the basic concept of the story: following a man and a woman over their lives on the same day each year and that was it. I found it difficult to get into at the start and once I did start to "get it" - she...(I better not ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen/read it yet). I do think the story is a realistic portrayal of a romance and at least it isn't sugar coated with a stereotypical "happy ending". I have to say though, that I found the whole thing a bit depressing actually. The concept of toing and froing with the same man over years and years of heartache and other relationships to only end up with each other for the shortest of times really made me sad. I am sure this happens every day and thats why I found it to be so true to life.

That was the other thing about the film. I ended up feeling quite heartless. My sister and I both sat and looked at each other quizzically as pretty much everyone else in the screening weeped like babies. Tissues, blowing of noses, whimpering sounds - the lot! I don't know if I just didn't connect with the actors or it was the story itself, but it did not make me want to cry. I understand that a LOT of women will make similarities to their own lives and perhaps this was more why they were upset? I don't know.

I think we all have people in (or out) of our lives that pop up periodically and either the timing or situation dictates that nothing happens, despite of feelings. I wonder if ultimately it is one of those people that could be your "soulmate"? I guess that is the point of the story. The fact that two people can live their own lives and take their own paths, but the love you have for someone in particular can always be there.

I do love how the film ends by revisitng the start of the story. The innocence, excitement and hope that exudes from the pair of friends at the beginning of their journey is charming, to even me!

Verdict? The film was not a roaring success in my opinion, but I do think the book will be a million times better so I am going to read that and get back to making a conclusion once I have done this. Perhaps the written word will be able to squeeze a tear or two from me, so I shall have tissues at the ready in hope!